Honey is loved all around the world and has been praised since ancient times. When thinking about honey we usually imagine light colored and sweet tasting honey. However, did you know that there are more than 300 types of honey?

Each type has a unique flavor, smell and color which depends on the source of blossoms that bees use to collect pollen for making honey. You might have heard about manuka honey which is known for fantastic healing properties, but today we will mention one just as unique type of honey – acacia honey.
It stands out from other types of honey with its amazing properties, which earned it a title of “the best honey” among those familiar with it. Join us on a journey of exploring amazing things about acacia honey, and it might become your “best honey”. First, we should be familiar with the source of blossoms that bees use to make this honey.

The real acacia tree, also known as wattle, thorntree, and whistling thorn, is a genus of trees and shrubs with over 1,000 species.The real acacia tree, also known as wattle, thorntree, and whistling thorn, is a genus of trees and shrubs with over 1,000 species.

What is special about acacia honey?

Acacia honey is considered by many as the best honey it the world, so there must be something special about it, right?

The honey is very pale, and if it hasn’t been mixed with other floral sources it looks like liquid glass. In a jar of this honey you can often see a piece of honeycomb. Its pale color and clarity make the honeycomb very visible through the jar.

It has a high capacity to stay in a liquid state since it crystallizes slowly, 1 – 2 years after extraction. Commercially its light color and slow crystallization give it a great appearance compared to other types of honey, which easily makes people want to buy it.

Its taste is mild and can be consumed in greater amounts than other types of honey. Some other types of honey might give you a sick feeling of overdosing after having 1 – 2 spoons.

Because of its weak floral taste and no aftertaste, it is preferred honey to mix with drinks. Fructose content higher than its glucose content make it very sweet and give it low glycemic index.

Low GI could make it suitable for people who have diabetes (type II). However, some therapists suggest that the best honey for people with diabetes is honey with 1 – 1 content of fructose and glucose.

If you would like to introduce honey to your kids, you could try including acacia honey to their yogurt, fruit, and ice cream. Its mild taste won’t overpower other flavors. Lower acid content makes it delicious in combination with cheeses.

Health benefits of acacia honey

Honey healing properties are usually associated with antiseptic and cough suppressant properties, but it offers so much more.

Regular consumption of this honey increases the level of hemoglobin and normalizes blood pressure. Has a calming effect beneficial for reducing stress and improved sleep. Those who labor intellectually might find it useful as it stimulates brain activity, facilitates faster recovery, and energizes the body.

This honey purifies the liver, acts as a diuretic and is known as a natural antibiotic.

Its strong antiseptic properties make it useful in healing sores, skin problems, diseases of oral cavity, eczemas, and conjunctivitis.

Like many other kinds of honey, it can help with rhinitis, laryngitis, bronchial asthma, gastritis, ulcers, etc.

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